
School paint revival
The municipality of Ameca, Jalisco, faces a significant issue related to the state of its
educational infrastructure. Many schools, both in rural and urban areas, are experiencing
advanced deterioration in their facilities, particularly in facades and common areas. This
problem is caused by various factors: schools have gone long periods without receiving
proper maintenance due to insufficient public resources allocated for infrastructure
improvements, and Ameca, like many other regions in Jalisco, experiences a mix of
weather conditions that can accelerate the deterioration of buildings, especially during the
rainy season

Por ello, queremos llevar a los niños de sexto año a participar en las "Olimpíadas de Resiliencia". Este evento no solo les proporcionará herramientas para enfrentar sus emociones, sino que también fomentará la empatía y ayudara a los niños a construir su propia fortaleza emocional.

Help us heal the pain of abused children
Padre Pio's shelter is a home for babies, children and teenagers who are
victims of high-impact crimes such as abuse, sexual violence, attempted
homicide, pornography, femicide, incest, etc. and/or fetal, physical and
emotional abuse, as well as extreme poverty, addictions, malnutrition and
abandonment that come from the DIF.